It with “salut”! Which also expresses "hello" but in an informal register, between friends or family. As you have seen, the french language has many ins and outs that make learning it more complex than we might expect. Therefore, to overcome these difficulties in french, we recommend: be constant and do not give up trying to learn . Motivation is a key factor for any training process. Listen and practice . Listen to songs and podcasts, watch movies in vo, tune in to some french radio... Repeat the words and expressions they use to gradually incorporate them into your vocabulary.
Read in french as much as you can. Don't be afraid to try , making mistakes is the best way to learn. Immerse yourself in the language . If you have e commerce photo editing the opportunity to go to a french-speaking country and put into practice what you are learning, don't hesitate! Sometimes a language immersion experience can be intimidating, but if you dare, you will end up having unforgettable moments and learning french in no time. We hope that all these tips will be useful to you and that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties of french that we have mentioned. We invite you to tell us about your experience and other complications that you may encounter in the study of this beautiful and complex language.
Categorized in: languagesmany people are used to hearing phrases like " i'll call you back to yangue on friday, i'm vaccinating the folder ." anyone who hears a similar expression will wonder if spanglish is its own language. At least in terms of mutual intelligibility, it doesn't seem very easy to classify the sentence in english or spanish, right? Spanglish constitutes an increasingly widespread form of expression in the united states , where it is used by bilingual speakers of english and spanish, who combine both
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