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Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War


For more information on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, check out:, and follow @Treyarch, @RavenSoftware, and @CallofDuty on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

The deuteragonist of Black Ops Cold War. A CIA agent charged with stopping the mysterious Soviet agent known only as Perseus. The ruthless actions he has taken in order to ensure the future of his country has led to him being dubbed "America's Monster". Adrenaline Makeover: After being interrogated and deprogrammed by Mason and Hudson, he gears up to bring the fight to Perseus. Clearly he cares more about hunting down Perseus than his appearance because his iconic hair is disheveled and messy, his shirt is dirty and torn, and his famously scarred face has a bit more to add to the collection with some bruises to boot. Oh, and he loses the shades. Ambiguous Situation: In the good ending of the game, he and Bell pull their guns on each other, leaving the outcome unknown. He appears in multiplayer, which is set after the campaign, and an older version of him appears alongside Captain Price in the Call of Duty: Mobile comic, indicating he survived. Anti-Hero: Boy is he ever. There's no denying he's on the side of good, he just happens to be the kind of person who will cross literally any line in service to the mission, with supplementary materials outright referring to him as "America's Monster". Badass Baritone: He has a fairly gruff voice - leaning on Guttural Growler - befitting his badassery. Badass in Distress: Stitch successfully captures him at the end of Season 1. Season 2 has Woods and his team travel to Laos in order to rescue him, but they were mislead by Naga. They finally rescue him mid-Season 3. Black-and-Gray Morality: Adler is extremely amoral and cheerfully hops over the Moral Event Horizon in his quest to find and kill Perseus. Given that Perseus' endgame involves literally nuking Europe into oblivion, one can at least understand why Adler does this, even if they don't agree with him. Brainwashed and Crazy: He was kidnapped by Stitch and forced to undergo the exact same numbers programming Mason did in the '60s. After being rescued by Woods' team, he goes rogue and steals a data recorder during a mission in Algeria and lies about it being burnt up in the crash site. Once Hudson becomes aware that he's up to something, he orders Woods to get Mason and snap him out of it in the best way they know how. Characterization Marches On: Adler back in Vietnam was a bit more personable, being rather playful around Sims when they aren't on a mission. 12 years later, he's a cold-hearted soldier who's the embodiment of Good is Not Nice. Comic-Book Fantasy Casting: Looks quite a lot like Robert Redford, minus the scar, taking particular cues from Three Days of the Condor and Spy Game. Cool Shades: He wears a pair of sunglasses just about everywhere, even at night. Creepy Good: He's a man who's referred to as "America's Monster" and regarded as a complete enigma by people who have worked with him for years, to the point where not even the highest levels of the CIA know his exact origins and activities. Cutscene Boss: If you defect back to Perseus, he is the very final enemy faced. You can try to give him one last smoke, leading to him trying to knife you in a quick-time event, or you can just shoot him in the face. Cynicism Catalyst: The Adler of today is very different from the Adler glimpsed in 'Fracture Jaw'. Between Adler's dialogue and flashbacks that show him being reluctant to discuss his time in Vietnam, it's pretty clear that the Vietnam War was the defining event that turned Adler from a gruff, if somewhat lighthearted man into The Unfettered Anti-Hero that he is today. Dark Is Not Evil: Adler prefers dark clothes, wears shades and does a number of really grim things to people who cross him, but he ultimately wants what's best for America and he looks out for his team. Eagleland: A mixed flavor, he is willing to do anything for his country and is amicable among his men (Type 1) but is also willing to use less than savory means to ensure the safety and future of the country. (Type 2). In the Tracer Pack: Fireworks bundle, most of items are based on the American flag, including his shades and shorts. Expy: He's basically General Shepherd from the original Modern Warfare trilogy, being a ruthless, results-driven military man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, which in this case is Perseus being taken out permanently. That said, he's slightly nicer, because he personally fights alongside his men, actually looks out for them, and his betrayal of Bell comes after the world is saved. In the context of Black Ops itself, he's just like his subordinate, Jason Hudson, in that he is a deadly, patriotic CIA agent who's not above dirty, off-the-books methods to ensure the safety of the free world at the height of the Cold War. Don't forget those Cool Shades and the Badass Baritone. Everyone Has Standards: He seems genuinely troubled by the ordeals that Bell gets put through over the course of the campaign and should Bell choose to help save America by leading the team to Solovetsky, he takes the time to reassure Bell and offers a few words of comfort. He thinks that Imran Zakhaev is an asshole, and coming from Adler, that says a lot. Face Death with Dignity: Should Bell turn on Adler and lead the CIA team into an ambush, a mortally-wounded Adler will calmly request Bell give him his cigar lighter so he can have one last smoke before he bleeds out. If you actually go for it, Adler actually attempts to stab you in one final act of defiance. He seems a lot more genuine and remarkably calm about the concept of dying in a duel with Bell in the good ending of the game. A Father to His Men: He genuinely cares for his team's well being, offering words of reassurance and personally taking to the field alongside them. Good is Not Nice: Russell wants what's best for America, which at present involves stopping Perseus from literally nuking all of Europe and pinning it on the United States. If he has to torture prisoners, blow up enemy platoons with heavy weapons fire, sneak into the very heart of enemy territory or brainwash Perseus's best soldier and turn them against him, then so be it. Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has quite the nasty scar on his face, but he's one of the good guys. Though that can change depending on if Bell sides with the Soviets or not. Hoist by His Own Petard: His trying to dig up Bell's suppressed memories about Perseus and the locations of the Greenlight nukes can end up biting him in the ass should the player decide to side against him. Feeling resentful over being deceived and used as a CIA pawn, Bell either set Adler and his team up for disappointment, or death, both of which result in the devastation of Western Europe and the United States being blamed for the deaths of millions. Jerkass Has a Point: After Bell finds out that they were brainwashed, a possible line of dialogue would have Bell tell Adler how messed up what he did was. Adler however, will point out Bell isn't exactly innocent themself. Considering there's no option for a response to that remark, it means Bell doesn't argue and likely concedes that they have committed numerous crimes under Perseus. Kick the Dog: In the American ending, even after Bell decides to consciously sacrifice their old identity, Adler will attempt to execute them in the epilogue, due to the soldier being a loose end. Kick the Son of a Bitch: He does this by default with just about anyone who has the misfortune of ending up on his bad side. And if Bell betrays the team so Perseus can detonate the Greenlight nukes across Europe, but fails to contact the KGB in time to set up an ambush, Adler just cuts the conversation off and unloads his weapon into Bell at point-blank for it. His "take no prisoners" approach is best shown in the confrontations with Qasim Javadi and Anton Volkov. If Mason spares Qasim without taking him into custody, Adler goads Mason into killing him anyways and will do so himself if Mason refuses. If Bell arrests Volkov, he expresses visible disappointment in their decision, conversely, if Bell executes Volkov, he instead displays approval. Laser-Guided Karma: Adler is above and beyond the average Anti-Hero, willing to take any means to stop Perseus no matter what boundaries and laws he has to tread to do so. This includes brainwashing Perseus's right-hand soldier, who becomes Bell under Adler's wing, and then killing them whether he's successful in stopping Perseus or not. Opt to totally betray Adler and set up the KGB ambush for him, however, and his own disposable protégé personally kills him as payback for the hell he put them through. It's also ambiguous who dies in the good ending, though his appearance as an operator in multiplayer suggests that at least he survived. He's canonically on the receiving end of this in the post-campaign story of Multiplayer and Warzone. After what he did to Bell, Stitch kidnapping and brainwashing him is basically reaping what he's sewn. The Leader: Mixes the levelheaded and mastermind type. He's the one who formed the team, personally handpicking his assets based on experience and trust. He's intensely focused on the mission and never lets his emotions get the best of him, even when under extreme duress. Noodle Incident: The scars on his face. If asked about it, he changes his answer every time, with the source of the scars ranging from battlefield injuries to being attacked by a tiger. Not So Above It All: In deadpan fashion, one conversation with Bell about his scars will conclude with him telling Bell to always know where the utility poles are, should they ever choose to jump off a roof while chasing someone. If Bell chooses to kill Volkov, he casually shrugs off Park's indignation with what basically amounts to "win some, lose some". If Mason chooses to detain Qasim rather than kill him, Adler informs Hudson that he's "bringing a present" to the CIA Agent in question. If Bell asks about his scars, he asks if the scars are really that noticeable, with a tone of faux-offense in his voice. He offhandedly mentions that his ex-wife is like the CIA, in that they "never throw anything out". His way of letting Belikov know that his team is ready to infiltrate KGB Headquarters is to call him up and mistake KGB HQ for the Singapore Embassy. Nothing Personal: Tells Bell this when he attempts to execute them in the good ending. Oh, Crap!: He immediately realizes Bell's gone rogue if you manage to contact the KGB in time and set up an ambush on the bad ending path, with Bell's arm signal giving way for an RPG-wielding Soviet soldier to bust you out of a hopeless situation. One Last Smoke: If you defect back to Perseus, he is mortally wounded and requests one last light from Bell before he expires. You don't actually have to indulge him, and you even get to skip his last attempt to kill you if you just shoot him. Pet the Dog: Before he outright shoots Bell to tie up loose ends, he compliments Bell with words of comfort and calling him a hero that saved the world. Pragmatic Hero: There are very few lines he isn't willing to cross in the name of defending democracy. Revenge by Proxy: He takes out Stitch's eye for Kravchenko taking out Weaver's. Rogue Agent: This is what he becomes starting in Season 4. He's been rescued from Perseus but Stitch has successfully brainwashed him with the numbers program. Once he's assigned to a mission to investigate a crash site in Algeria, he moves way ahead of his team and steals a data recorder, lying about it being destroyed upon impact. He then gets ready to wreak havoc in Verdansk until Hudson catches on and gets Mason involved. Thanks to them, he's freshly deprogrammed and ready to end the fight with Perseus once and for all. Shell-Shocked Veteran: Though he does a very good job of hiding it, flashbacks in 'Break On Through' and background dialogue indicate that the Vietnam War took a severe toll on his mental health, with him outright stating that he's been living with the nightmares of Vietnam for over a decade. Shoot the Dog: Even if Bell helps save the free world from Perseus' plans, Adler walks off alone to talk with them as he commends their sacrifices and heroism - and then proclaims it's Nothing Personal as he draws his sidearm to shoot Bell dead, presumably to clean up any loose ends and potential complications from an ex-Perseus lieutenant still standing. Of course, whether due to a barely-hidden grudge or their own reflexes and expectation, Bell pulls a gun at the same time and it's ambiguous who shoots first aside from Adler surviving. Smoking Is Cool: If there's one character that is smoking in the background, you can bet that it's Adler most of the time. The Stoic: Even when things go very, very wrong, Adler keeps his calm and issues orders in a collected and detached manner. He was a bit more playful and forthcoming back in Vietnam, but 12 years or so must have done a number on him, as he no longer shows any playfulness on the field and he plays his cards very close to the chest. Tempting Fate: Regarding Park, Adler advises Bell to "Keep it professional". Like the players are going to listen.... The Unfettered: There is no line Adler won't cross if it benefits the mission, to the point where torture and execution of his enemies is considered to be on the lower-end of the spectrum for him. Unscrupulous Hero: He may be fighting for good intentions, but he is willing to do everything and anything to get to his goals. Torture, execution, and manipulation: if it's an option, he will use it. The Vietnam Vet: He and Sims fought in Vietnam, and it's strongly implied that Vietnam is the reason that he ended up the way that he is today. You Have Failed Me: In the "Lie" ending of the game, if Bell doesn't call the ambush, Adler simply kills them for failing to tell him the true location of the broadcast. You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If Bell gives him the location of Perseus' nukes, he rewards them for saving the free world with a bullet to the face. 59ce067264


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