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These are the best Greyhawk-related web sites that I have found on the internet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have! Essential Greyhawk Web Resources Key Greyhawk Web Resources Greyhawk Adventure Modules Blogs Magazines Mailing Lists and Discussion Forums Maps PC and Online Gaming Publishers Social Media Wikipedia WotC and TSR links Essential Greyhawk Web Resources Joe Bloch's Greyhawk Grognard web site and blog - an old-school approach to Greyhawk; Joe has also compiled several useful resources for Greyhawk research, most especially his Greyhawk Lore Project (a compilation of Greyhawk research notes culled from many sources) Ant "Echohawk" Brooks' Greyhawk Collector's Guide - the most-comprehensive listing of Greyhawk products created to date. It definitely supercedes other such listings, including Russ Taylor's Greyhawk Product Checklist. Ant also has similar listings for each edition and setting of D&D, with discussion and updates still being made in the Greyhawk Collector's Guide thread. Canonfire! - _the_ Greytalk fans web site, and it's Greyhawk forums; as of July 2020, the site in the midst of some long-needed upgrades and overhauls! vestcoat's "Greyhawk Year In Review" threads provide a very useful retrospective look at continuing development---official and unofficial---of the Greyhawk setting: Greyhawk 2017: Year in Review Greyhawk 2016: Year in Review Greyhawk 2015: Year in Review Codex of Greyhawk (via the Internet Archive) Philip Falconer's World of Greyhawk Bibliography (an in-print and upcoming listing of books published by Gary Gygax, Rob Kuntz, Frank Mentzer, and others appears on the PPP Boards) Geffyl's Gygax's Legendarium blog (a repository of early articles about Chainmail, the history of the Greyhawk campaign, and various hard-to-find letters by Gary Gygax and Rob Kuntz) Greyhawk Fiction by Various Authors - Greyhawk fiction and software hosted by Tracy Johnson (nearly all now also available via the Internet Archive) Russell Bird's various Greyhawk fictions Scott "Scottenkainen" Casper's Greyhawk Castle storyline isn't hosted by Tracy, but is good stuff none-the-less :D Erik Mona DMs Greyhawk: discussion on the Paizo boards about Erik's GH campaign, in which he runs the Age of Worms Adventure Path scenarios Jason Zavoda's story archives include Nosnra's Saga (my personal favorite) The Great Library of Greyhawk wiki, now hosted on GreyhawkOnline, updated, improved and beginning to integrate Jason Zavoda's index entries into it's wiki pages too! Denis Tetreault's Maldin's Greyhawk - home to the Greyhawk Adventures webring and the beautiful Living Greyhawk Journal #2 City of Greyhawk maps, and Drowic Underworld maps, among many other things Aaron Sheffield's TalMeta's Greyhawk Gods for RuneQuest and Greyhawk Maps (as well as other settings) Krista Siren's Gord The Rogue site (formerly Christopher B. Siren's site)---the quintessential site for fans of Gary Gygax's Gord fiction, set in Greyhawk (and also available via the Internet Archive) Russ Taylor's Greyhawk Product Checklist and The Gods of Greyhawk and Dragon Magazine Greyhawk Article Index (all via the Internet Archive) Stephen B. Wilson's GreyChrondex version 4.2 (15 May 2001) (alt download in PDF format) and GreyGods - warning: both are huge text files (and via the Internet Archive) Key Greyhawk Web Resources Canonfire's Greyhawk Downloads - the archive, mirror, and host for key Greyhawk files, including: Rob Kuntz's History of Tharizdun Clay Luther's Clay Luther's Greyhawk Calendar, and an alternate version of the same calendar with additional Greyhawk holidays added Roger E. Moore's Revised Greyhawk Campaign Index Roger E. Moore's Gates in the World of Greyhawk Living Greyhawk Divine Order (a sortable listing of deities) can be downloaded as a zipped Adobe Acrobat 5.0 .pdf file Minifigs released a line of World of Greyhawk miniatures back in the late 1970s (drawn pri


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