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Visual Basic 3 PRO: A Classic Programming Environment for Windows 3.x


Visual Basic 3 PRO is a programming environment that allows you to create applications for Windows 3.x. It is based on the BASIC language, which is easy to learn and use. Visual Basic 3 PRO lets you design your user interface by dragging and dropping controls onto forms, and then adding code to respond to events. You can also use custom controls, data controls, and OLE controls to enhance your applications. Visual Basic 3 PRO also supports OLE automation, which enables communication with other applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

Visual Basic 3 PRO Download Pc

Visual Basic 3 PRO was released in 1993 and was the most popular version of Visual Basic at that time. It had many features and benefits that made it easy and fast to develop graphical user interfaces, databases, and custom controls. It also supported OLE automation, which enabled communication with other applications. In this article, I will provide you with some information and tips on how to download, install, use, and learn Visual Basic 3 PRO.

How to download Visual Basic 3 PRO

There are several sources where you can download Visual Basic 3 PRO for free. One of them is the Internet Archive, which hosts a copy of the original floppy disks of Visual Basic 3 PRO Professional Edition. You can download the disk images from this link: [Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 - Professional Edition](^1^). You will need a program that can extract the disk images, such as WinImage or 7-Zip.

Another source is WinWorld, which hosts a copy of both the Professional and Standard editions of Visual Basic 3.0. You can download the disk images from this link: [Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0](^2^). You will also need a program that can extract the disk images.

A third source is Microsoft itself, which offers a free download of Visual Studio Tools, which includes Visual Studio IDE or VS Code for free. You can download the tools from this link: [Download Visual Studio Tools](^3^). You will need to sign in with your Microsoft account and choose the edition that suits your needs.

How to install Visual Basic 3 PRO

To install Visual Basic 3 PRO, you will need a computer that runs Windows 3.x or later. You will also need a floppy drive or a virtual floppy drive to access the disk images. Here are the steps to install Visual Basic 3 PRO:

  • Insert the first disk image of Visual Basic 3 PRO into your floppy drive or mount it on your virtual floppy drive.

  • Run the SETUP.EXE file from the disk image.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.

  • Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each disk image until you have installed all the disks.

  • Restart your computer if prompted.

You have now successfully installed Visual Basic 3 PRO on your computer. You can launch it from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the VB.EXE file in the installation folder.

How to use Visual Basic 3 PRO

To use Visual Basic 3 PRO, you will need to create a new project or open an existing one. A project consists of one or more forms, modules, and resources that make up your application. A form is a window that displays your user interface, a module is a file that contains your code, and a resource is a file that contains data such as icons, bitmaps, sounds, etc.

To create a new project, follow these steps:

  • Launch Visual Basic 3 PRO from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the VB.EXE file in the installation folder.

  • Select File > New Project from the menu bar.A dialog box will appear, asking you to choose a project type. You can choose from Standard EXE, DLL, or Custom Control. For this example, choose Standard EXE and click OK.

  • A new project will be created, with a default form named Form1. You can rename the form by changing its Name property in the Properties window.

  • You can now design your form by adding controls from the Toolbox window. You can resize, move, and align the controls by using the mouse or the keyboard. You can also change the properties of the controls in the Properties window.

  • To add code to your form or controls, double-click on them or select View > Code from the menu bar. A code window will open, where you can write your code using the BASIC language. You can use the Object and Procedure drop-down lists to navigate between different objects and events.

  • To test your application, select Run > Start from the menu bar or press F5. Your application will run in a separate window, where you can interact with it and see the results of your code.

  • To debug your application, select Run > Break from the menu bar or press Ctrl+Break. This will pause your application and show you the current line of code. You can use the Debug window to inspect and modify variables, expressions, and watch expressions. You can also use the Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out commands to execute your code line by line.

  • To save your project, select File > Save Project from the menu bar or press Ctrl+S. A dialog box will appear, asking you to choose a name and location for your project file (.MAK) and your form file (.FRM). You can also save your modules and resources as separate files (.BAS and .RES).

You have now learned how to use Visual Basic 3 PRO to create a simple application. You can explore more features and options by using the Help menu or by reading the documentation that comes with Visual Basic 3 PRO.

How to learn Visual Basic 3 PRO

If you want to learn more about Visual Basic 3 PRO and how to create more advanced applications, there are several resources that you can use. Here are some of them:

  • The Visual Basic 3 PRO documentation that comes with Visual Basic 3 PRO. You can access it by selecting Help > Contents from the menu bar or by pressing F1. The documentation contains tutorials, reference guides, samples, tips, and troubleshooting information.

  • The Visual Basic 3 PRO books that are available online or in print. Some of them are [Visual Basic 3 for Windows for Dummies], [Visual Basic 3 Programming Explorer], [Visual Basic 3 Database How-To], and [Visual Basic 3 SuperBible].

  • The Visual Basic 3 PRO online courses that are offered by various websites or platforms. Some of them are [Udemy], [Coursera], [edX], and [Lynda].

  • The Visual Basic 3 PRO forums and communities that are active on the internet. Some of them are [Stack Overflow], [Reddit], [Quora], and [CodeProject].

By using these resources, you can learn more about Visual Basic 3 PRO and improve your skills and knowledge.


Visual Basic 3 PRO is a programming environment that allows you to create applications for Windows 3.x. It is based on the BASIC language, which is easy to learn and use. Visual Basic 3 PRO lets you design your user interface by dragging and dropping controls onto forms, and then adding code to respond to events. You can also use custom controls, data controls, and OLE controls to enhance your applications. Visual Basic 3 PRO also supports OLE automation, which enables communication with other applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

In this article, I have provided you with some information and tips on how to download, install, use, and learn Visual Basic 3 PRO. I hope you have found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


What are the system requirements for Visual Basic 3 PRO?

The system requirements for Visual Basic 3 PRO are as follows:

  • A computer that runs Windows 3.x or later.

  • A floppy drive or a virtual floppy drive to access the disk images.

  • At least 4 MB of RAM.

  • At least 10 MB of hard disk space.

  • A VGA or higher resolution monitor.

  • A mouse or a compatible pointing device.

What are the differences between Visual Basic 3 PRO Professional Edition and Standard Edition?

The differences between Visual Basic 3 PRO Professional Edition and Standard Edition are as follows:


Professional Edition

Standard Edition

Number of disks



Data Access Objects (DAO)



Remote Data Objects (RDO)



OLE Automation Server



OLE Automation Client



Custom Control Creation Wizard



Setup Wizard



Application Wizard



Code Library



Additional controls and samples



How to convert Visual Basic 3 PRO projects to Visual Basic 6 or later?

To convert Visual Basic 3 PRO projects to Visual Basic 6 or later, you will need to use the Upgrade Wizard that comes with Visual Basic 6 or later. The Upgrade Wizard will scan your project files and attempt to convert them to the newer version of Visual Basic. However, the conversion process may not be perfect, and you may need to manually fix some errors or issues that arise. Here are the steps to use the Upgrade Wizard:

  • Launch Visual Basic 6 or later from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the VB6.EXE file in the installation folder.

  • Select File > Open Project from the menu bar or press Ctrl+O.

  • Browse to the location of your Visual Basic 3 PRO project file (.MAK) and select it.

  • A dialog box will appear, asking you if you want to upgrade your project. Click Yes.

  • The Upgrade Wizard will start and guide you through the conversion process. You can choose to backup your original project files, review the changes made by the wizard, and fix any errors or warnings that occur.

  • When the conversion process is complete, click Finish.

  • You can now save your converted project as a Visual Basic 6 or later project file (.VBP) and run it in the newer version of Visual Basic.

What are some alternatives to Visual Basic 3 PRO?

If you are looking for some alternatives to Visual Basic 3 PRO, you may want to consider these options:

  • Visual Basic .NET: This is the latest version of Visual Basic, which is part of the .NET Framework. It is a modern and powerful programming language that supports object-oriented, event-driven, and functional paradigms. It also supports many features such as generics, delegates, lambda expressions, LINQ, async/await, etc. It can be used to create applications for Windows, web, mobile, and cloud platforms.

  • Python: This is a popular and versatile programming language that is easy to learn and use. It supports multiple paradigms such as imperative, functional, object-oriented, and procedural. It also has a large and rich library of modules that provide various functionalities such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, GUI development, etc. It can be used to create applications for various platforms and domains.

  • Gambas: This is an open-source programming environment that is inspired by Visual Basic. It uses a BASIC-like language that is compiled or interpreted. It also provides an IDE that allows you to design your user interface by dragging and dropping controls onto forms. It can be used to create applications for Linux and other Unix-like systems.

How to get help or support for Visual Basic 3 PRO?

If you need help or support for Visual Basic 3 PRO, you can try these options:

  • The Help menu in Visual Basic 3 PRO: You can access it by selecting Help > Contents from the menu bar or by pressing F1. The Help menu contains tutorials, reference guides, samples, tips, and troubleshooting information.

  • The Microsoft Support website: You can access it by visiting this link: [Microsoft Support]. The Microsoft Support website contains articles, forums, downloads, updates, and contact information for various Microsoft products and services.

  • The third-party websites or platforms: You can access them by searching on the internet for keywords such as "Visual Basic 3 PRO help", "Visual Basic 3 PRO support", "Visual Basic 3 PRO forum", etc. You may find some websites or platforms that offer help or support for Visual Basic 3 PRO users.



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