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Where Can I Buy Quest Bars

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Where Can I Buy Quest Bars

It depends on your definition of healthy. Quest Bars are marketed as a high-protein, low-sugar snack option and they do contain a good amount of protein and relatively low amounts of sugar compared to other bars or snacks. However, they are also high in calories and contain a number of artificial ingredients and sweeteners, which may not be considered healthy by some. Additionally, the high protein content may not be suitable for everyone, as excessive protein intake can have negative effects on the kidneys and may contribute to other health issues.

Quest Bars faced several lawsuits due to their marketing and labeling practices. Some customers claimed that the company misled them with false or misleading information about the nutritional value of their products. These lawsuits alleged that Quest Bars did not accurately disclose the amount of sugar, carbohydrates, and calories in their products, and that the company used deceptive marketing practices to portray their bars as healthier than they actually were. Additionally, some customers claimed that Quest Bars used artificial sweeteners and other controversial ingredients that were not disclosed on their labels.

They can easily end up in the "treat" end of the spectrum when you are looking for a simple, protein packed snack. Many people are looking for something healthier than a cookie when they buy these bars - and sometimes the bar has more sugar than a cookie.

I LOVE the texture of the new Built Bars. I am kind of sad that I have four boxes of the old bars to get through before ordering the new. I think the taste of old and new is wonderful and it is a great 3 point treat.

Yes. Built bars are awesome. I was buying them a year or 2 back, very expensive. I stopped buying them because, after being a repeat customer, I was not allowed to pick peanut butter in my mixed box because, at the time, it was a "promotional" flavor. Really They told me I could buy a whole box of it. Really I can't afford to buy multiple boxes, let alone 1. My husband doesn't like the pb bar, so I tried to mix the box with our favorites, not just mine. I thought it was really bad business to do this to a repeat customer. So, I had to swallow my desire for their product & stop buying them.

After hearing rave reviews about this product, I decided to make the leap and get a variety box. They are fairly costly since you have to get a whole box. I might as well have thrown the money directly into the garbage since that's where they are all sitting right now. Awful! 59ce067264


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